Make it Happen
Over the years, COVID and economics has altered my teaching world. The ZOOM platform isn’t perfect, but I do my darnedest to personalize the learning experience.
— For writing classes that means one-on-one, or in a small group “pod” of 3-4 students.
— If you have a high school student knocking on the door of higher learning and this student needs someone to help brainstorm an essay idea, shoot me an email.
— If you are intrigued about the idea of documenting family stories, I’ve produced several of these Bottom line? I am wildly flexible. So give me a call with your idea and chances are we can do something fun together. (650.339.4908)
My classess began -- and flourish -- through the magic of WOM. I would appreciate it immensely if you passed this website URL around to your pals. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm -- and for those wonderful writers you are nourishing.